Product Agent


CNPC Jichai Power Company Limited authorizes the following agents to sell all of Jichai's products overseas. Each Jichai agent sells Jichai related products in their respective specific agency areas and provides relevant services for the maintenance and support of these products in the local market. If you have any related product, accessory, or repair service needs, please feel free to contact our agent at any time.

一、俄罗斯代理商Ⅰ.Agents in Russia

1. Alfa-Diesel LLC (ООО «Альфа-Дизель»)

代理区域和行业Agency region and industries:俄罗斯油气、煤炭开采行业

Russian oil and gas, coal mining industry。

2. ENGEN LLC (ООО «Энджен»)

代理区域和行业Agency region and industries:俄罗斯(1)油气、煤炭开采行业;(2)采矿行业,包括:金属矿、钻石矿等

Russia (1) Oil and gas, coal mining industry; (2) The mining industry, including metal mines, diamond mines, etc。

3. GenMaster LLC (ООО «ГенМастер»)

代理区域和行业Agency region and industries:俄罗斯(1)油气、煤炭开采行业;(2)社会发电行业,包括:工厂用电、工业园用电、农业大棚、数据中心等

Russia (1) Oil and gas, coal mining industry; (2) Social power generation industry includes factory electricity, industrial park electricity, agricultural greenhouses, data centers, etc。

4. NewTech LLC (ООО «НойТэк»)

代理区域和行业Agency region and industries:俄罗斯社会发电行业,包括:工厂用电、工业园用电、农业大棚、数据中心等

Russian social power generation industries includes factory electricity, industrial park electricity, agricultural greenhouses, data centers, etc。

5.Intertechelectro JSC (АО «Иинтертехэлетро»)

代理区域和行业Agency region and industries:俄罗斯(1)采矿行业,包括:金属矿、钻石矿等;(2)社会发电行业,包括:工厂用电、工业园用电、农业大棚、数据中心等。

Russia (1) Mining industry, including metal mines, diamond mines, etc; (2) Social power generation industry includes factory electricity, industrial park electricity, agricultural greenhouses, data centers, etc。

6. PSM Prime LTD  (ООО «ПСМ Прайм»)

代理区域和行业Agency region and industries:俄罗斯(1)油气、煤炭开采行业;(2)社会发电行业,包括:工厂用电、工业园用电、农业大棚、数据中心等

Russia (1) Oil and gas, coal mining industry; (2) Social power generation industry, including factory electricity, industrial park electricity, agricultural greenhouses, data centers, etc。

7. Remdiesel LTD (ООО «Ремдезель»)

代理区域和行业Agency region and industries:俄罗斯船机市场Russian marine engine market。

8. Rost Energy JSC (АО «Рост Энерджи»)

代理区域和行业Agency region and industries:俄罗斯社会发电行业,包括:工厂用电、工业园用电、农业大棚、数据中心等

Russian social power generation industries includes factory electricity, industrial park electricity, agricultural greenhouses, data centers, etc。

9.Valdex Energetica LLC (ООО«Валдекс Энергетика»

代理区域和行业Agency region and industries:俄罗斯社会发电行业,包括工厂用电、工业园用电、农业大棚、数据中心等

Russian social power generation industries includes factory electricity, industrial park electricity, agricultural greenhouses, data centers, etc。

10. 济南济柴环能燃气发电设备有限公司Jinan Jichai Huanneng Gas Generating Equipment Co.,Ltd

代理区域Agency region:俄罗斯社会市场Russian Social Market。

11. 山东赛马力发电设备有限公司

代理区域Agency region:俄罗斯社会市场Russian Social Market。

二、非洲代理商Ⅱ.Agents in Africa

1. 济南济柴环能燃气发电设备有限公司Jinan Jichai Huanneng Gas Generating Equipment Co.,Ltd

代理区域Agency region:尼日利亚(独家)、加纳Nigeria (Sole agency), Ghana。

2. 山东赛马力发电设备有限公司

代理区域Agency region:刚果布(独家)、南非Congo (Sole agency), South Africa。

3.四川泛茂科技股份有限公司Sichuan Elush Technology Co., Ltd

代理区域Agency region:刚果(金)、津巴布韦、安哥拉、纳米比亚DR Congo, Zimbabwe, Angola, Namibia。

三、中东代理商Ⅲ.Agents in Middle East

1. Global Petroleum Equipment and Chemicals Trading L.L.C

代理区域Agency region:阿联酋UAE、埃及Egypt。

2.江苏新能动力科技股份有限公司(Jiangsu New energy Power Technology Co., Ltd.)

代理区域Agency region:也门Yemen。


代理区域Agency region:伊拉克Iraq。


代理区域Agency region:土耳其Turkey。

5.山东狮跑动力科技有限公司(Shandong Super Power Technology Co.,Ltd,)

代理区域Agency region:阿曼Oman。

6.济南济柴环能燃气发电设备有限公司Jinan Jichai Huanneng Gas Generating Equipment Co.,Ltd

代理区域Agency region:伊拉克Iraq。


代理区域Agency region:伊朗Iran。

四、亚太代理商Ⅳ.Agents in Asia

1. Khin Nam Huat Co., Ltd.

代理区域和产品Agency region and Products:泰国燃气和柴油发电机组 Thailand Gas and Diesel Generating Set。

2.Powerton Bangladesh

代理区域和产品Agency region and Products:孟加拉燃气发电机组 Bangladesh Gas Generating Set。


代理区域和产品Agency region and Products:印尼(巴淡岛除外)燃气和柴油发电机组、压缩机组。Indonesia(excluding Batam) Gas and Diesel Generating Set, Compressor Sets。


代理区域Agency region:孟加拉和越南燃气和柴油发电机组,船用发动机。Bangladesh and Vietnam Gas and Diesel Generating Set, Marine Engine。


代理区域和产品Agency region and Products:菲律宾燃气发电机组 Philippines Gas Generating Set。


代理区域和产品Agency region and Products:印尼(巴淡岛除外)和越南船用发动机 Indonesia(Excluding Batam) and Vietnam Marine Engine。

7.Wiedson Engineering(s) Pte Ltd

代理区域和产品Agency region and Products:印尼(巴淡岛独家)、新加坡和缅甸船机  Indonesia(Sole Agency of Batam),Singapore and Myanmar Marine Engine。


代理区域和产品Agency region and Products:孟加拉、菲律宾、印尼(巴淡岛除外)所有产品 Bangladesh, Philippines,Indonesia(excluding Batam), All of the Products。


代理区域和产品Agency region and Products:菲律宾燃气和柴油发电机组、泰国柴油发电机组 Philippines Gas and Diesel Generating Set,Thailand Diesel Generating Set。

10.Zeya&Associates Co.,Ltd

代理区域和产品Agency region and Products: 缅甸燃气和柴油发电机组Myanmar Gas and Diesel Generating Set。

11.济南济柴环能燃气发电设备有限公司Jinan Jichai Huanneng Gas Generating Equipment Co.,Ltd

代理区域Agency region:印度尼西亚Indonesia。


代理区域Agency region:菲律宾、孟加拉、印度尼西亚Philippines, Bangladesh, Indonesia。


代理区域Agency region:阿富汗Afghanistan。

五、中亚代理商Ⅴ.Agents in Central Asia

1. 新盛安动力科技有限公司

代理区域Agency region:乌兹别克斯坦Uzbekistan、哈萨克斯坦Kazakhstan。

2.四川泛茂科技股份有限公司Sichuan Elush Technology Co., Ltd

代理区域Agency region:乌兹别克斯坦、土库曼斯坦Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan。

3.山东狮跑动力科技有限公司(Shandong Super Power Technology Co.,Ltd,)

代理区域Agency region:哈萨克斯坦Kazakhstan。

六、美洲代理商Ⅵ.Agents in America

1. 山东赛马力发电设备有限公司

代理区域Agency region:哥伦比亚Colombia。

七、其他市场代理商Ⅶ.Agents in Other Market

1. 蔚蓝燃机能源有限公司

代理区域Agency region:中海油。